Check the APP 9.0 updates:
- Automatic merging of tickets created by the APP:
- It merges the tickets created by the APP in application order, it is necessary to configure the Link article and select the CheckBox in the APP settings
- Fix:
- Adjusted to always put the customer's phone number in the send numbers only field, removing all characters and spaces.
- Adjusted the templates in bulk upload, it was not displaying the latest template.
Automatic Ticket Merge:
Need to enable the function when installing the APP in Administration Center => Zendesk Support Apps => Click on the APP.
Remembering that for the ticket to be merged automatically, it is necessary to configure the article in the Link.
When will the APP run?
Whenever the agent enters a ticket in progress, if the customer has the phone number configured, a query will be made on all his tickets, looking for WhatsApp and APP Tickets.
The merge will only happen if at least 1 WhatsApp or Chat ticket is found with the WhatsApp ID as a Tag in the ticket.
Follow the example below.
Ticket created by an asset.
When the customer enters any WhatsApp or APP ticket, if there is an open conversation, the merger is carried out automatically.
Important Tickets from other channels will not be merged automatically.
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